With many of the financial woes I hear about (particularly in my Indianapolis bankruptcy law office) having to do with housing problems, it’s nice to learn about a very successful Indianapolis affordable housing option.
Mapleton Park is a 25-unit apartment building in the Fall Creek area of Indianapolis. This location provides affordable housing plus support services for homeless and very low-income families, including veterans.
The sponsor of Mapleton Park is Partners in Housing Development Corporation. This group purchases buildings that are largely unoccupied and turns them into housing. The funding for this particular project came from a Federal Home Loan Bank grant.
In my Indiana bankruptcy blogs, I always stress that the most important chapter of any bankruptcy story is the sequel, because that’s the stage at which I help people rebuild their financial lives after emerging from bankruptcy. I was happy to hear that Partners in Housing has the same idea. Working together with the Homeless Initiative Program, Partners in Housing helps the homeless with employment and training opportunities so that those folks can become productive citizens again. As a bankruptcy attorney in Indianapolis and around the state of Indiana, I applaud initiatives like this one at Mapleton Park.