I don’t work for CNBC, but apparently we have something in common – tracking business and job statistics in the state of Indiana. CNBC’s in the business of news, of course. As for me, I need to know what the opportunities are going to be for my Indiana bankruptcy clients to keep – or find – well-paying jobs. As a bankruptcy attorney for individual consumers, in order for me to offer the best and most up-to-date advice to my clients, I must know if the Chapter 7 bankruptcy clients will have income to get back on their feet financially, keep the bills paid, and even start to save a little. For those clients filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy, they will be committing to a debt repayment plan over a three to five year period. That means they’ll need steady income.
CNBC had very encouraging things to say about Indiana. In their just-released study, “America’s Top States For Business”, Indiana had moved up more slots than any other state, so CNBC rated us “Most Improved State In Business”.
In the past couple of months, I’ve been reporting a mixed bag of news about the job markets here (see Tracking More Good News/Bad News For Indiana Bankruptcy Clients). So I was extremely happy to read about Dow Agrosciences’ plans to expand its Indianapolis workforce by 200 jobs. Two aspects of this news are especially encouraging, I think. First, many of the newly created positions will be related to scientific research, and will carry nice salaries and benefits. Second, the thrust of Dow’s expansion is to use technology in the production of food. The products will be designed to help farmers increase yields and fight off pests and weeds, with the ultimate goal of making food healthier and more affordable.
Since rising food prices have played a part in the difficulties that, in combination, lead many people to the point of bankruptcy, any effort to bring down food costs is an effort in the right direction for my clients in the 38 Indiana counties I serve. Meanwhile, CNBC and I, we’ll keep you informed!